Wednesday, September 30, 2020

To Make Schools Better #1

No principal should promote clubs that divide students based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or whatever other characteristic becomes en vogue. Clubs like these promote narcissism; if you join a club based on your own demographics, what you are really saying is that little interests you outside of you own self. Since the purpose of education is to get you to think beyond yourself, school clubs and activities should instead be based on common interests and passions--clubs that transport you to the wonders and glories of art, music, astronomy, languages you don’t already speak, and more.

Prioritize the English language. Every student should leave high school speaking and writing English as fluently as possible. Any school that doesn’t ensure students leave with excellent English language skills is remiss in its duty to prepare graduates for the job market.  … 

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.215

Monday, September 28, 2020

Identity Politics

Smearing opponents as homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, racist, sexist, bigoted, or otherwise misguided is becoming as common off campus as it already is in the identity politics that dominate higher education. Leftists reduce people to their membership in groups based on superficial characteristics like race, gender, or sexual orientation. Those characteristics are assumed to determine what people believe, and how they vote.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.186-187

Monday, September 21, 2020

Speech vs. Violence

These [college] kids that equate speech to violence, that could be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life. You know what you use when you don’t want to be violent? Speech. And you know what you use when you can no longer speak? Violence…. You want people speaking bad things because it means they’re not blowing people up…. The second you stop speech what do I have left? I got to beat you up…;. You don’t want violence, let people talk.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.172-173

Friday, September 18, 2020

How to Make Ignorant Snowflakes

Schools erase Shakespeare from their English curricula and America’s Founding Fathers from their history classes for the same reason youth sports leagues stop keeping soccer scores: they don’t want anyone feeling hurt or left out. And in both cases, handling the children with such over-the-top care and attention creates an unearned sense of entitlement. If you try to prevent students from dealing with difficulty, soon they begin to expect (nay, demand) that level of comfort.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.127-128

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Bulldozer Parenting

You’ve heard of helicopter parents who hover over their children, eager to rescue them from the slightest misfortune, haven’t you? That’s nothing compared to another recent trend: bulldozer parents. Bulldozer parents clear the way for their children, pushing aside any obstruction. When their precious little snowflake angel gets a D in algebra, these parents rush to the school and demand to know why. They blame the teacher instead of encouraging their own child to study harder and get better at math. These are the parents who bark at umpires at Little League games. Delightful.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.126

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

College Indoctrination

Professors have looked at their classrooms and seen political activists in training, rather than citizens in training. They have quit teaching how our institutions work and imparting history’s significant facts. They choose the literature they teach based on what the author looks like. Meanwhile, there are more college graduates in our population than we’ve ever had before.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.91

Saturday, September 12, 2020

“Hate Speech” Hypocrisy 

Many on the left love hate speech if it’s directed against Jews, against Israel, against Christians, against conservatives. That is their modus operandi, hate speech. But if it is directed against them, even if it’s minimally critical, it’s hate speech, it’s white supremacy, the new code word. If you say anything controversial, you’re a white supremacist, you’re a sexist, you’re anti-Muslim, and you’re homophobic.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.83-84

Friday, September 11, 2020


Intersectionalism is a euphemism for anti-Semitism, anti-Christianity. It’s simply a way of saying, “We’re the victims. We’re gays, we’re women, we’re blacks, and we all have the same oppressors. Our oppressors are the Zionists, the United States of America, capitalists, imperialists. We’re the victims, and we have to hang together, and we need safe spaces, but we’re not going to give you any safe spaces because you really have no right to express your views.”  That’s the basic core belief of the hard Left on American campuses today--and they’ll tell it to you directly, that certain views should not be allowed to be expressed on campus.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.81

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

“Safe Space” is Phony

Of course the safe space rationale is a total phony. The last thing that these intersectionalists want to do is have safe spaces for Jewish Zionists, or for Christians, or for conservatives. They want the university to be unsafe for them, not only intellectually but physically.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.81

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Feminist “Choices” 

Campus feminists talk a big game about choice, and about respecting all women. But they lack patience for women whose choices include building a family, or who don’t share their left-leaning political views.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.61

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Fatherlessness Ruins Lives

In the black community, two-parent households are becoming an endangered species. Census data reveal that about 40 percent of all Americans children (regardless of race) are born out of wedlock; that number jumps to 53 percent for Hispanics and 71 percent for blacks. The Great Society programs of the 1960s, which did nothing to cut the poverty rate, implemented rules that inadvertently punished two-parent households, creating a disincentive for families to stay together.  As a result, black children today are less likely to grow up with their mother and father than black children born during the time of slavery.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.4

Thursday, September 3, 2020


Victimhood mentality blames “white privilege” for the plight of American minorities. Privilege does indeed exist in America today, but it is not white privilege. It’s “two-parent” privilege.

Study after study has shown the long-term socioeconomic benefits children enjoy when they come from a stable two-parent household. Kids who grow up in a home without a father are four times as likely to end up poor as kids in two-parent homes. Kids who grow up in a two-parent household have a lower risk of teen pregnancy. They do better in school, and they commit less crime. And according to the Brookings Institution people who finish high school, hold down a full-time job, and wait until they are at least twenty-one to get married and have kids (in that order) avoid poverty at a 98 percent clip—regardless of race.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.43-44

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

College and Identity Politics

The whole point of college used to be expanding the mind. Academia gave you the opportunity to think about things in brand new ways. And yet today, walk onto many of America’s most prestigious university campuses, and you’ll find a culture that is the complete antitheses of open-minded intellectual inquiry.

Identity politics and political correctness have taken over. Leftist mobs are enforcing a strict code that defines acceptable speech and thought, and rules anything else out of bounds. “Trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” shield students from any concepts the might upset this delicate construct. Dissenters from the new orthodoxy are ostracized, vilified, threatened, and even physically attacked. Opposing viewpoints are shut down; visiting speakers are shut out. Faculty and administrators, whose job it is to help enlighten younger minds, act as hapless enablers, giving free rein to student activists whose passion outreaches their emotional maturity.

The values that supposedly define academia—the pursuit of knowledge and the open exchange of ideas—have become sad casualties. Free thought is not allowed if it broaches concepts deemed “problematic.” When you enroll at a college or university today, you can expect four years of being told what to think—and precious few opportunities for critical thinking.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.6-7

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Education Has Been Weaponized by the LEFT

Education has been weaponized by radicals and used to chip away at what this country used to be. Under code words such as diversity, inclusion, health, equality, sex education, tolerance, white privilege and wokeness, most schools proudly promote anti-Christian and anti-American ideas.

So who has this very influential weapon been used against? Jesus, the truth, biblical morality, conservatives, the church, America’s founders, Republicans, and the Judeo-Christian principles this country was established upon. I’m not saying there aren’t some good teachers out there, but their hands are tied and their frustrations are at a tipping point – just like our culture.