Saturday, October 29, 2022

Gender Ideology is "Mental Illness"

A man who has had pharmacological or surgical alterations to mimic some aspects of womanhood is not a woman -- he is a pharmacologically altered or surgically mutilated man. …. Please note that these radical medical treatments and surgical procedures are performed on mentally ill children and adults.  These patients are mentally ill by definition -- if they were not ill, they would not be in need of medical treatment, and their illness is not physical (their sexual organs are healthy). Their illness is mental, and for that they are subjected to radical medical intervention (including hormones of the type administered to sex offenders) and mutilating surgery.

Michael Egnor, M.D., “Gender Ideology and the Paganization of Western Culture

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

With or Without a Christian Foundation

That the post-Christian age has been the bloodiest in history, that the French and Russian Revolutions, both fiercely anti-religious, produced bloody despotic regimes, while the pro-religion, God-based American Revolution produced the freest country in the world -- both these facts are unknown to most young Americans. So, too, young people don't know that religious Americans are happier, commit less suicide, give more charity and volunteer more time than irreligious Americans.

Dennis Prager, Why Are So Many Young Americans Irreligious? The Secular Brainwash Is the First Reason

Monday, October 24, 2022

Liberty vs Security

Liberty is of small value to the lower third of humanity. They greatly prefer security, which means protection by some class above them. They are always in favor of despots who promise to feed them. The only liberty an inferior man really cherishes is the liberty to quit work, stretch out in the sun, and scratch himself.

H. L. Mencken

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Secular Brainwash

Anyone who derives his moral values from the Bible is essentially forbidden from using those values to shape societal norms. You can cite Ibram X. Kendi or "White Fragility" or your heart as the source of your social values, but if you cite a biblical book, you are told that violates the alleged "separation of church and state."

Dennis Prager, Why Are So Many Young Americans Irreligious? The Secular Brainwash Is the First Reason

Saturday, October 15, 2022

When Does Life Begin?

Life begins at conception, for we contend that the soul also begins at conception. Life takes it commencement at the same place and time that the soul does.

Tertullian (ca.219), 3.207, Cited in A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, edited by David W. Bercot, Pg. 172

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Reality of Male and Female Humans

Since there seems to be a lot of confusion around definitions lately, let me spell it out in a way that avoids all confusion: human females have the biological plumbing that is associated with producing eggs, incubating babies, and nursing babies. Human males have the biological plumbing that is associated with producing and implanting sperm.  Some females are very masculine in outlook and affect; some males are very feminine in outlook and affect.  No matter what, though, they remain biologically identifiable as men or women, male or female.  And that's no joke.

Andrea Widburg, “The transgender crowd smacks down a funny little lesbian joke

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

More Than One Kind of Slavery

Talk about slavery! It is not the peculiar institution of the South. It exists wherever men are bought and sold, wherever a man allows himself to be made a mere thing or a tool, and surrenders his inalienable rights of reason and conscience. Indeed, this slavery is more complete than that which enslaves the body alone.

Henry David Thoreau (American essayist, poet, and naturalist)

Monday, October 10, 2022

American Culture: An Immoral Man-Centered System

Our nation's morality is changing into an immoral man-centered system devoid of the divine. Through political correctness and tolerance doctrine, Americans are bullied into accepting perversity as normal and healthy, violating norms and mores that historically maintained social decency from Moses' time. Political correctness is a strategy developed by Marxists to undermine biblical values and culture to transform the West into a Marxist paradigm. It is a hammer, an instrument of destruction. Economic Marxism proved inefficient in and of itself to alter the power and influence of Christian values.

Pastor Stephen E. Broden, “The Rise of Black Girly Men

Saturday, October 8, 2022

A Problem With Public Education

Education is about everything except basic skills and competencies. A college degree is a mark of cultural affiliation, a badge of political allegiance and a warning sign of basic illiteracy. The institutions of higher education are employment agencies for political activists, think tanks for leftist sand castle wonks, and community organizing centers for the next generation of rioters.

Daniel Greenfield, A Trillion Dollar Bailout For the Idiot Machine

Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Government Without Morality

The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount…If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State.

Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the U.S. [1945-1953]; May 8, 1878-1972)