Monday, February 24, 2014

Legislating Morality?

Everyone realizes what “pro-life” people want to impose: They want to protect the baby and thus impose on the mother the duty of carrying her child to term.  But what is so often missed in this debate is that “pro-choice” activists want to impose their morals on others, as well: They want to impose the morals of the mother on the baby and, in some cases, on the father.  When abortion is the choice, the morals imposed on the baby come in the form of a knife, a vacuum, or scalding chemicals.  Such a choice also imposes on the biological father by depriving him of fatherhood and the right to protect his child.

In short, while the “pro-life” side wants to impose on the mother, the “pro-choice” side wants to impose on the baby and the father.  In other words, both sides wish to impose their own morality on others.  The question remains, which morality is the “right” morality to impose?

Dr. Norman Geisler & Frank Turek, “Legislating Morality,” p.43

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