Friday, May 9, 2014

Perversion Leads to Worse Perversion

Heterosexual promiscuity must be resisted for the same reason that homosexuality must be rejected: each is, in an essential sense, a distortion of what is true.  It is the inadequate heterosexual who goes in search of the casual partner or prostitute, much as the inadequate homosexual visits the queer bar.  Each is incapable of being fully human.  Each practices a form of escape that differs from the other only in the manner of distortion.  Social historians have pointed to this relationship, warning that sexual progression, once it becomes a frantic means of private stimulation, demands ever more intense and bizarre forms of stimulation and, left to itself, can lead to overt perversion. Our information about the past includes evidence concerning societies that started the first stage of deterioration by dissolving the sanctity of marriage and then went on to decay in the widespread practice of homosexuality.  Perversion, once begun, tends to run the full course.

William S. Banowsky, It’s A Playboy World, p.87-88

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