Monday, November 17, 2014

If God Hates It, the LEFT Loves It

What about the peculiar ferocity that devotees of the Left reserve for the cigarette smoker -- in the face of its placid acceptance of the AIDS carrier?  The Left forges a national movement to prohibit smoking in any public building but urges that the individual with AIDS be left alone.  In some states, a person with a sexually communicable disease is legally obliged to tell his or her partner about it.  There is only one exception.  A person who is HIV-positive does not have to disclose that fact.  In other words, you must tell someone they run the risk of pain, sterility, or open sores if they have sex with you, but not that they risk death.  It should also be noted that the Left's special compassion showered upon AIDS victims is not duplicated with lung-cancer patients.  Why the discrepancy in the treatment of a disease resulting primarily from homosexual behavior and a disease resulting from smoking?  The only possible explanation I can find is that cigarette smoking is not singled out as biblically proscribed.  Since homosexuality is directly biblically forbidden, any sanctions applied in that direction might look suspiciously like an endorsement of God and must be scrupulously avoided.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin, "America's Real War," p.61-62

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