Saturday, December 6, 2014

Rejecting God Rejects the Family

The same people who proudly converted the world’s finest education system into a degenerate joke also mock the traditional family.  This fits my hypothesis rather well since hierarchy is also one of the organizing principles of the family.  If you reject God, you must reject the principle of hierarchy, which means you must reject classical family life.  How backward, sexist, and repugnant for the husband to act as spiritual leader of the home!  And how old-fashioned for parents to discipline their children, whose aberrant behavior may have been considered wrong in the 1950s but today is regarded simply as a healthy expression of selfhood.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin, "America's Real War," p.62-63


Danny Wright said...

Just saw this on FB. Is this a new blog?

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I started it in January. The idea just popped into my brain, and I try to have a quote every day.

I also started another blog in October as a blog addressing only Mormonism,