Saturday, March 28, 2015

Self-Esteem Doesn't Alter Accountability

Self-esteem, whether high or low, does not determine our actions.  We are accountable for our actions, and we are responsible for trying to do good and avoid evil.  Low self-esteem does not make someone an alcoholic, nor does it enable a person finally to admit his or her addiction and do something about it.  Both of these decisions are up to each of us, whatever our level of self-esteem.

Paul C. Vitz, "Psychology As Religion: The Cult of Self-Worship," p.20

1 comment:

Ron Livesay said...

"Self-esteem" is one of those educational buzz-words that is pervasive, even in Christian schools. It is very difficult... no, it is impossible... to find a Biblical basis for such foolishness.