Monday, September 4, 2017

Feminist Spite

We must rid ourselves of the feminist spite that pretends to despise the woman of many talents and many tasks in the home, preferring the specialist who amputates and cauterizes and does one thing well, for herself primarily and sometimes even at the expense of the family.  I said “pretends to despise” advisedly; envies would have been nearer the mark.  Women themselves can testify to this; they know the looks they receive from a certain sort of woman as they mount the steps of the bus with three small children skipping along after.  Imagine the most human place in your experience, the one that is warmest in heart and soul and mind.  It isn’t an office, is it?  We have plenty of second-rate men in our world.  Our whole late capitalist bureaucratic human-resource drudging economy consumes second-rate men as fuel.  We don’t need any more.  We need first-rate women.

Anthony Esolen, Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture, pg.127-128

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