Sunday, October 8, 2017

Islamic Invasion of Europe

Watch Europe cower under the heel of Islamists who have not forgotten that they were stopped from overtaking Europe and beaten back by Charles Martel thirteen centuries ago.  Now, with patience and the clever control of demographics and a gullible media, they stand by, ready to one day take over the structures and edifices built by a different ethic and a different belief system.  It is only a matter of time, and they are in no hurry.  Thirteen centuries ago, Europe was able to stop the theocratic Islamic tidal wave because it had a faith to defend.  The value-less culture of today will not be able to withstand the attack.

Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Secular Gods, pg.12


Jesse Albrecht said...

Hi Glenn,

THIS BLOG IS AWESOME!!! I never knew about this blog you operated...just another site to add to the "My Links" section of my blog...

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I've had it noted on the right side of my apologetics blog since I started it. I wrote an article explaining about my other blogs at:

The Thought Provoker is a great reference source for ME :oD

Jesse Albrecht said...

By the way, I shared some of your quotations on evolution on my blog...Hope ya don't mind...

Anonymous said...

I think that the Islamic conquest of America would be impossible, in that it would never get anywhere near that point. They would need millions of converts just to take over a State, or tens of thousands for a city. And even then the US would not allow them to pass any "unconstitutional" laws.

Plus Islam is being rapidly secularized, especially by living in America, embracing capitalism (e.g. McDonalds in their countries), and having the internet/tv/music, so they are facing their own extinction in a way. Plus, I think with various apologetics arguments, and many appearing in recent times showing the Quran is basically a Christian Liturgical Book, we could see the end of Islam in our lifetime. I think we are also going to see the end of Protestantism in our lifetime.

I think our main concern is the persecution they are doing to Christians, especially in Africa and Middle East.


Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I think you are rather naive or just plain uneducated about Islam. Have you heard of "Dearbornistan"? Muslims have taken over huge parts of Dearborn. We don't worry about "converts," rather the issue is with current Muslims and their invasions around the world, and their same attempts to take over the USA. We have too many Muslims in government offices who care nothing for the laws of the USA (and swearing to their office on a Qur'an). We have too many leftist judges who are allowing Sharia law right here in the USA. Not a day goes by in the U.S. without a Muslim murdering someone.

The current judges have allowed many, many unconstitutional laws (just look at how many law have passed violating the 1st and 2nd Amendments!)

Islam is NOT being "secularized" in the USA. It is a doctrine of Islam to lie to your enemy about your intentions until you are in a position of power. What you consider a secular Muslim can very well be an ISIS member pretending to be friends with the USA, etc while waiting for a position of power.

It is insane, or an example of abject ignorance to suggest that the Qur'an is a "Christian Liturgical Book." There is no semblance of Christianity in it, and it actually teaches against Christianity. And we will see nothing but an exponential expansion of Islam around the world, since their goal is indeed the complete subjugation of the world to Islam.

You really need to educate yourself on the topic of Islam if you intend to discuss it. I don't know how many of these links are still intact (at least most of them) since they haven been checked since being posted three years ago, but I suggest you review as many as possible and study up on Islam and the dangers it poses to the USA, as well as the world.