Saturday, January 20, 2018

We Need Better Songs!

I am sorry that the greatest part of our songs, whereby young gentlemen and ladies are taught to practise this art, are of the amorous kind, and some of them polluted too.  Will no happy genius lend a helping hand to rescue music from all its defilements, and to furnish the tongue with a nobler and more refined melody?

Isaac Watts, The Improvement of the Mind: A Supplement to Logic, pg.338


Jesse Albrecht said...

I really do not get into these so-called "Christian" songs, for they sound outright childish and shallow. What are your thoughts on songs such as "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible told me so", etc., etc.???

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I never liked "Yes Jesus loves me," even though it is intended for children. It really teaches them nothing.

The citation is about secular songs, since that was what Watts was talking about, but it fits just as well when discussing modern "Christian" sap.