Sunday, April 1, 2018


Unions may have been founded with a grand purpose but most are now big, bloated, self-serving bureaucracies with huge budgets and largely left-wing agendas fueled more by politics than a sense of duty to their members.  …

We’ve gone from a world where labor unions sacrificed for the right of all American workers to collect a fair wage to a world where Big Labor sacrifices their workers in exchange for more power and influence.

These days, unions have become powerful political machines that work against individual rights in favor of special interests. They look down on fundamental American ideals like competition, capitalism, and freedom of choice and instead embrace monopolies and bureaucracy—the very things they once fought against.  …

The truth is that most unions are no longer worker-rights groups, they’re political action committees. They don’t work to enact changes in their own companies or industries as much as they work to enact changes in laws that will help them claim more power and influence—something that’s about as far away from their original mission as you can possibly get.  …

Unions invest far more heavily in controlling school boards and stocking state houses and city councils with friendly supporters than they do in actual education. And that is where a government-union partnership is at its most destructive.

Glenn Beck, Arguing With Idiots, pg.75, 113, 116, 129

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