Tuesday, April 2, 2019

God’s Design for Sex

Our sexuality and our spirit are inexplicably and profoundly intertwined. We are--at our core--spirit beings, created in God’s image. So our sexuality is likewise at that same core--it must be, because we are more than animals in our nature. That is why sexuality cannot be perceived as some mere tangent for us humans, as if it were something removed from our spirit.

In order for the act of sexual expression between a man and a woman to be fully representative of the spectrum of the characteristics of God, a male and a female must be one in totality--and that includes oneness not merely physically, but oneness emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically. That oneness is not something experienced for a moment--it is lifelong. There is a phrase for this unique unity of being--it is called the covenant of marriage.

God is so thoroughly pro-sex that he has established boundaries by which to protect it, to maximize its joy. He has also designed ways by which to express this spectacular gift in order to bring fulfillment. His Bible consistently and clearly establishes heterosexual monogamy--“one flesh” marriage--as core to providing the security of enduring, growing, developing, nurtured, authentic sexual love.

This love stands in stark contrast to the throw-away, who-looks-the-best-for-the-moment type of lust that results in multiple partners and deep emotional pain and rejection.

James L. Garlow and Peter Jones, Cracking Da Vinci’s Code, pg.23

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