Monday, December 16, 2019

The Real Endgame of the LGBT Agenda

That is their [the LGBTQXYZ mob] endgame. They NEVER just wanted “tolerance” or “acceptance” or “equality” or even homosexual marriage. What they are really after is the full endorsement and celebration of their lifestyles and agendas, and the complete eradication of any and all opposition.

And they have always known that real-deal churches and Christians are the final obstacle standing in the way of complete and final hegemony. Thus they are actively on search and destroy missions for any recalcitrants who still will not bow down and embrace their agendas and worship at their altars.


Jack Morrow said...

Too many people confuse being Christlike with being nice and polite. The Lord Himself and the apostles wouldn't pass today's standard.

I find it useful to keep in mind Vox Day's three laws of Social Justice Warriors:

1. They always lie.
2. They always double down.
3. They always project.

Never apologize to SJWs. They don't regard such gestures as acts of conciliation, but as evidence of weakness. There are plenty of examples of people who said, "I'm sorry if I offended..." only to end up losing their jobs, anyway.

Jesse Albrecht said...

"There are plenty of examples of people who said, "I'm sorry if I offended..." only to end up losing their jobs, anyway."

Call me dense, but could somebody please explain to me what this line means? Thank you.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


There are many people who have made the news because they said something that offended a SJW, but when they apologize it doesn't matter because they got fire for saying something that someone was offended by.