Thursday, June 9, 2022

Pornography is Immoral

Porn is immoral because porn treats persons as a means to an end, one’s own self-centered gratification. But at what undesirable cost? Porn isn’t simply “satisfying” lustful desires. It also shapes our view of sex taken into the marriage bed (if marriage is ever consummated) and objectifies women, among other things. Indeed, it is also linked not only to rape but to sex trafficking as its metaphorical “gateway drug.” When we watch, we inspire the demand. While not every pornographer (anyone addicted to porn) is a sex trafficker, every sex trafficker is a pornographer. Porn is the gateway to the sex trade industry. We supply its demand, and the providers cater to our “need.” Yet, the need is insatiable as it continues to grow and take on a life of its own to include and normalize Freud’s polymorphous perversity: sex with animals, sex with multiples, sex with kids, sex with robots, and so on and so forth to include increasingly violent sex.

Sexuality itself becomes identity. It becomes associated if not identified with who or what I am. Ultimately, it’s not all about sex. It’s much deeper. The sexual revolution on steroids with which we’re now seeing and was predicted is a symptom of the search for human identity, meaning, and significance, i.e., the quest for what it means to be human. This quest is orphaned when we kill God, and anything goes in His place. The existential quest is always a quest for “God,” but the “God” many seek is one made in man’s image.

Cory Miller, Is it Really All About Sex?

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