Wednesday, August 31, 2022

LEFTISM Destroys the Minds of Children

 Leftism requires that children get indoctrinated before their internal truth detectors form. This is best done in early childhood, while the child is vulnerable to authority figures’ influence. This is the reason for pushing LGBTQ grooming in K-3rd grades. Programming young subconscious minds with ideas that identify formerly deviant practices as “normal,” means educators are complicit in corrupting both our kids and our society (and they’re opening the door for pedophiles, with the left pushing for the normalization). This is a key element in collapsing the family in the next generation, because these children, when they’re adults, will have no filters.

The family structure is foundational to society’s continuance because it transmits societal norms, beliefs, civility, and morality—i.e. our American culture—to the next generation through parental nurturing. Disrupting this parental guidance for only one generation makes the collapse probable.

Lewis Dovland, Family Matters

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