Friday, January 5, 2024

True Islam

The media is full of talk of “radical Islamists” or “Islamicists” or “terrorists.” To those who studied Islam and talked to the followers this is all foolish. I call all these people “Muslims.” Why? Because their prophet - Muhammed, who had an entire male population of a Jewish village beheaded, who owned many slaves including what we commonly refer to as sex slaves, who married a six-year-old girl, molested her for three years and then had sexual intercourse with her at 9 and so on.  How do I know this? I know this because of the Muslim “holy  books”— the Quran (recitation), Hadiths (stories about Muhammed and his early followers), and Sir (biographies). I don’t need to make this stuff up, nor am I just throwing rocks. I can still read (barely) and I know what Muslims are called to do—submit to the will of Allah as revealed and exemplified by their prophet Muhammed. Terrorism is just a tool of the true believer. Rape and torture are part of the package of the jihad (war) against the kafir or non-believer in Islam.

Bill Honsberger, Haven Ministries Newsletter, December 2023.

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