Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Travesty of Same-Sex Mirage

With the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision in 2015, five of the nine justices on the high court redefined what marriage had been understood to be for all of history, to include a new, expanded meaning for the purposes of manmade law. That bare majority of justices declared that a same-sex legal union must be recognized as marriage. 

But for Christians, and many other faith traditions, Biblical marriage can only mean a relationship between husband and wife, a fundamental building block of a stable and flourishing society. In our desire to protect marriage in the federal courts and law, we lost. Yet our merciful and long-suffering God has blessed us with the divine institution of marriage to showcase the Gospel for the temporal and eternal good of families and societies. 

Todd Chasteen, Culture Redefines Marriage at its Peril

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