Monday, April 8, 2024

Republicans Are Finished

“The education system lets liberals capture 85% of young people each year.” 

1980 the country was 40% conservative, 10% liberal and 50% undecided.

2012 30% were conservative, 30% liberal and 30% undecided.

By 2028 it will be 20% conservative, 50% liberal and 30% undecided.

2016 was the last election possible to get a conservative President.

From the 2015 Documentary, AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit. 


Marshal Art said...

Hi, Glenn. Didn't know you had another blog. This doc is likely ten years old, given how long it takes to get something to market. That is, a 2015 doc would likely have "data" going back at least one year prior to the release of the doc. In any case, these numbers assume no change due to crap people are suffering under the current administration. One thing which would make such an outcome possible, is no conservatives making the conservative case to those within their sphere of influence. I think that's one of the biggest problems which could cause the end of the presidency being held by a conservative.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Hi Art,

Oh, you'd love the citations I've collected over the years.

The point of the citation was how the culture changed from conservative to liberal overall, and I think the change is more rapid than their study showed. Read where Demokrats will pull Biden in May and run Newsome, and with their cheating getting Newsome will be worse that Biden--just look what that tyrant has done to California. I truly believe we will never have another Republican government.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Dan, You are not welcome here any more than on my other blog. Your false teachings and LEFTIST ideology is intolerable.

The real reasons for the decline in conservatives are as follow:

The public education system and the colleges are LEFT-leaning run by Communists. The Department of Education was a gift by Jimmy Carter (socialist) to the NEA and other Teachers unions so as to have federal control over public education, or shall I say, Public Indoctrination!

Students are indoctrinated into all things LEFTIST from Kindergarten as they are programmed to believe every sexual perversion is okay, that there are more than two gender—that butchering one’s body makes them a member of the opposite sex, that homosexual behavior is normal and that any two (soon to be more) people can be “married.” That this country is full of systemic racism, that our country was founded by racist and anyone who happened to own slaves should forever be denounced regardless of what great things they did for the country.

That all statues reminding us of the Civil War should be torn down and replace with statues of drug-addicted black criminals. That if you expose false ideologies your are suddenly a racist. That if you think murdering the unborn is not moral then you are a hater and anti-woman.

THE LEFT indoctrinates people into false nonsense about “climate change” to exercise more control of the populace. The LEFT indoctrinates our students into socialist-communist ideology where if a person is wealthy they are evil and that every one should get every thing free (I.e. paid buy taxpayers)—college, medical care, you name it.

NO, Dan, the ones who push the people away from conservatism are the immoral, evil communists who have control of the educational system.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Oh, and don't forget, Dan,

Public education and the communist-run colleges also indoctrinate students into horrid false/revisionist history such as "1619" so they learn to hate their own country.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

And for Dan Trabue and his ilk, here is another example of why conservativism is dying--this kind of Marxist propaganda filling the head of our youth.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

You are not getting published, Dan, for the reasons I noted above. You ideology leads people to HELL.