Thursday, June 20, 2024


Every leftist movement wishes to challenge and ultimately destroy the society they feel has “oppressed” them. The LGBT movement is no different. It wants to completely annihilate anything resembling traditional sexual or romantic norms, and “Pride Month” serves as the bridgehead for pushing the societal envelope even further, until eventually it breaks down altogether.

Above all, rainbow activists crave opportunities to push their sexual fetishes on normal Americans and innocent children and receive a “thank you” in return from a thoroughly browbeaten and brainwashed populace. Judging by those loud cheers in the videos above, they’ve convinced a large section of the population to applaud the annihilation of foundational cultural mores and revere the vanguard of this degenerate revolution.

Hayden Daniel, Pride’ Parades Are Nothing But Massive Humiliation Rituals

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