Friday, July 19, 2024

Socialism to Communism

To the Marxist, socialism is the first phase or first stepping the transition to the perfect economic system, which is communism. Socialism begins with heavy taxation, government takeover of businesses, and the elimination of laws protecting private property.

Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews, by Jeff Myers & David A. Noebel, pg. 106-107.

Sound familiar?


Edward Houston said...

I encountered this book in 1995 as a high school senior at a small Christian school where this book was the primary text for a class called "The Christian Worldview." It makes the argument that anything that does not completely align with Mr. Myers and Mr. Noebel's extremely narrow understanding of biblical Christianity (Truth with a capital "t" as they refer to it) is evil and should therefore be discarded. Back then only secular humanism and Marxism were contrasted with biblical Christianity but in the newer additions "New Spirituality," postmodernism, and Islam have been added. As a naive 18 year old raised in a fundamentalist Christian household, I came away from the class believing that Emerson,Thoreau, Whitman, Kierkegaard, Sartre, and Star Wars (just to name a few) had rejected the biblical God and were merely peddling their philosophies to tempt good little boys and girls like me. The book also highlights how leftist professors at secular colleges would prey upon my naivete and turn me into a Marxist if I wasn't armed with the truth about their beliefs. Fortunately, I took an into to philosophy class at the Christian college I attended and learned that most of what Mr. Noebel has spouted was factually incorrect (Mr. Myers didn't collaborate with Mr. Noebel on the edition I read). The authors continue to just be plain wrong about many things (Averroes the Latinized version of Ibn Rushd is presented as the founder of Sufiism even though he was an Andalusian polymath who had nothing to do with Sufiism.) I could go on and on.

Thankfully, I have been freed from the intellectual prison that is Christian fundamentalism and I now realize how toxic and downright sad it is to equate anything you don't agree with as "evil." Do your own research about the philosophers, poets, artists, and authors presented in this book; don't take the opinions of these 2 dogmatists as gospel. Jesus was not afraid or threatened by the thoughts and ideas of those who disagreed with him, he was only provoked to rage by religious hypocrites who sought to use religious knowledge for their own gain.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I had the older version of the book and taught it to my home-schooled kids. You misrepresent the authors in that you have decided for yourself what is or is not true. Those people you note did indeed reject a biblical God, which YOU'D know if you actually knew the Biblical God yourself. Those certainly-LEFTIST professors do indeed teach students to be anti-Christian and revise history.
Perhaps you don't know the origin of Sufism yourself.

I have personally studied philosophy, etc. There is nothing in the book which says anyone is evil, rather the authors just contrast other beliefs with true Christianity. They also show what political beliefs lead to -- such as in this particular citation. The trash taught by college professors today is what has caused the collapse of our culture.