Friday, June 6, 2014

Homosexuality Implies Nonexistence of Humanity

But considered on the whole, in terms of its consequences, it [homosexual sex] implies the nonexistence of humanity. The homosexual couple is not engaged in the act of human procreation. Their activity is not haunted by the possibility of human offspring. It does not imply the reification of their responsibility for the future of humanity as such. The pleasurable satisfaction it involves does not draw individuals away from their particular selves toward a concrete physical union (in the child they conceive) that represents the perpetuation of their being as a whole, their human being. Their ecstasy is more like the highest pitch given off by a guitar string just before the turn of the tuning peg that causes it to break.

Alan Keyes, Homosexual 'rights': suicide for humanity?  at RenewAmerica  6/2/14

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