Monday, June 16, 2014

Science Cannot Explain Human Behavior

By claiming to offer a "scientific explanation" for human behavior, psychology invaded the realm of soul, spirit, morals, and religion.  It thus posed a greater challenge to belief in God and the gospel than had physics or chemistry, which proposed no explanation for the universe or man's existence.  Many of this century's greatest scientists have issued grave warnings against trying to mix science and religion.  Einstein said, ". . . scientific theory has nothing to do with religion."  Nobel laureate Erwin Schroedinger added, "[Science] knows nothing of . . .  good or bad, God and eternity."  Pretending to know what it couldn't, psychology offered a religious science of the mind and claimed to present new evidence for God's existence: the harmony of psychology and Scripture.  The truth is that the two are irreconcilable.

Dave Hunt, "How Close Are We? Compelling Evidence for the Soon Return of Christ," p. 17

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