Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sex Indoctrination In Public Schools

Sex education in the schools  appears to operate more as an incitement to sexual activity than as a heeded caution.  Chelmsford (Massachusetts) High School employed Suzanne Lanndolphi of Hot, Sexy and Safer Productions to give two performances for students in the ninth through twelfth grades in which she gave sexually explicit monologues and discussed penis and breast size and advocated oral sex, masturbation, and homosexual activity among minors.  Parents were not told in advance and students were not permitted to opt out.   Some parents and students sued, so far without success.  Stories like this abound, but even when the advocacy is less open, the message that the students are expected to engage in sex is always there.  Opportunities for teenagers to engage in sex are also more frequent than previously: much of it takes place in homes that are now empty because the mothers are working.  The modern liberal devotion to sex education is an ideological commitment rather than a policy of prudence.

Robert H. Bork, Slouching Towards Gomorrah, p.159

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