Monday, September 22, 2014

Sexual Anarchy Hurts

Let’s stop for a minute and ask: Just how obvious do clues need to be before we figure out this message [that extramarital sex is wrong]?  Horrible plagues and millions of unwanted babies seem like pretty good indicators that we were not intended to use our bodies the way many of us do.  Yet in our cleverness we find ways to circumvent these divine roadblocks by way of artificial birth control, abortion, alternative sex acts, and so on.  But we’re still just making an absurd end run around God’s obvious decree that sex, very simply, is sacred.

Another way we know extramarital sex is wrong is simply that it’s pure selfishness and self-gratification.  In marriage, there is lifelong commitment, as well as the deep respect for one’s spouse that can germinate and grow only in the soil of lifelong commitment.  In nonmarried sex there is nothing but exploitation — using the other person in an attempt to fulfill ourselves.  Without commitment, its impossible for there to be love — since love is commitment.  Sorry, the truth hurts.

David Kupelian, How Evil Works, p.44-45

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