Monday, February 16, 2015

How Effective Is Birth Control?

According to its own reckoning, [Planned Parenthood’s] program of birth control fails miserably to do the one thing it is supposed to do: inhibit unwanted pregnancies.  The annual in-use failure rate of the Pill is as high as 11 percent.  For the diaphragm, the normal failure rate is nearly 32 percent.  For the intrauterine device (IUD), it is almost 11 percent.  For “save sex” condoms, it is more than 18 percent.  And for the various foam, cream and jelly spermicides, it can range as high as 34 percent.  That means that a sexually active fourteen-year-old girl who faithfully uses the Pill has a 44 percent chance of getting pregnant at least once before she finishes high school.  She has a 69 percent chance of getting pregnant at least once before she finishes college.  And she has a 30 percent chance of getting pregnant two or more times.  If she relies on “safe sex” condoms, the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy while she is in school rises to nearly 87 percent.  In other words, the Planned Parenthood system virtually guarantees that women will get pregnant and that they will then be “forced” to fall back on the birth control linchpin: abortion.

George Grant, Immaculate Deception: The Shifting Agenda of Planned Parenthood, p.20

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