Sunday, June 3, 2018

A Material Origin of Life is Impossible

The basic flaw of all evolutionary views is the origin of the information in living beings. It has never been shown that a coding system and semantic information could originate by itself in a material medium, and the information theorems predict that this will never be possible. A purely material origin of life is thus precluded.

Werner Gitt, In The Beginning Was Information, pg.124


Anonymous said...


Please allow me to explain things.

DNA is not simply data. It has informational content. The information in the genome of a species was put there by evolution.

1. Take some random information
2. Filter out anything that which does not code strongly for survival
3. What's left is information that codes for survival

It's like screen-printing:
1. Take a whole bunk of paint on one side of a screen and put a T-Shirt on the other side
2. Push the paint randomly through the screen
3. What's left is the inverse image of whatever the screen held, like a picture or text

In signal processing it is impossible to add information by throwing random data into the channel. All you can do is wash out the signal, decreasing the signal to noise ratio. However, you sure can produce information by putting random data through an information-rich filter. Natural selection is the information-rich filter for evolution. Natural selection is how information is added to the genome.

Allow me to quote from the book: ""Since man's rebellion, corruption of the genome/DNA [mutational load of approximately 4600 cataloged mutations] has occurred. The defects, disease, syndromes, deformities, and deaths that occur due to these "mutations" are post creation and possibly mostly attributable to human foolishness either ignorant or deliberate .i.e. aberrant sexuality, abject hygiene, forbidden diets and abuses of drugs, exposure to man-made compounds/drugs and industrial environmental exposure to carcinogens, mutagens, etc." ... there is not a shred of evidence to support that utter pile of shit. Dinosaurs (which existed LONG before humans) got cancer. There is no evidence that human behavior is the cause of most genetic diseases, and there are no peer reviewed medical studies that in any way support that garbage. There is no evidence that human behavior is the cause of most genetic diseases, and there are no peer reviewed medical studies that in any way support that garbage.

There is no semantic meaning in DNA. Evolution is an entirely mechanical and mindless process. It is chemistry.

The author is looking at an end product and not the process - he does not understand how it works and never will with his presupposition of 'mind'.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Thanks for the laugh. Data IS information!!!!

“Natural Selection” cannot provide any information. It is not a power source, it is just descriptive of action — the weakest will not survive. Try reading the citations below, all of which are on this same blog.

Since the findings of James D. Watson (*1928) and Francis H.C. Crick (*1916), it was increasingly realized by contemporary researchers that the information residing in the cells is of crucial importance for the existence of life. Anybody who wants to make meaningful statements about the origin of life, would be forced to explain how the information originated. All evolutionary views are fundamentally unable to answer this crucial question.

[M]utations can only cause changes in existing information. There can be no increase in information, and in general the results are injurious. New blueprints for new functions or new organs cannot arise; mutations cannot be the source of new (creative) information.

The information present in living beings must have had a mental source. … Any model for the origin of life (and of information) based solely on physical and/or chemical processes, is inherently false.

There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information, neither is any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this.

When its progress along the chain of transmission events is traced backwards, every piece of information leads to a mental source, the mind of the sender.

It should be emphasized that matter as such is unable to generate any code. All experiences indicate that a thinking being voluntarily exercising his own free will, cognition, and creativity, is required.

All these citations are by Dr. Werner Gitt

The final result of all my researches and discussions is that the theory of evolution should be discarded in its entirety, because it always leads to extreme contradictions and confusing consequences when tested against the empirical results of research on the formation of different kinds of living forms and related fields. This assertion would agitate many people. Moreover: my next conclusion is that, far from being a benign natural-philosophical school of thought, the theory of evolution is a severe obstacle for biological research. As many examples show, it actually prevents the drawing of logical conclusions from even one set of experimental material. Because everything must be bent to fit this speculative theory, an exact biology cannot develop.

Professor Dr. Heribert Nilsson, “Synthetische Artbildung”

When a message is composed, it involves the coding of its mental content, but the message itself is not concerned about whether the contents are important or unimportant, valuable, useful, or meaningless. Only the recipient can evaluate the message after decoding it.

Hans-Joachim Flechtner (cyberneticist)

Your ASSERTIONS about what does or does not cause disease are just that — assertions with no evidence. You are the one who has absolutely no clue about how information exists. Your ignorance is very telling.

Anonymous said...

And what are those "extreme contradictions and confusing consequences" the author speaks of? Huh? I bet you cannot name any.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Get a copy of the book and read for yourself -- reduce your ignorance. Now go troll elsewhere.