Thursday, May 16, 2019

Homosexual Privilege

I would submit the real problem today, in our culture and in our politics, is not in fact white privilege but homosexual privilege. Despite their constant claims to martyrdom and victimhood, homosexuals have an entire array of privileges and powers that are based exclusively on their private sexual preferences, and they are privileges and powers that normal people do not possess. Homosexuals must be catered to by wedding vendors and be catered to in housing and employment, or those who refuse to cater to them will be demonized, vilified, and sued until they’re broke or out of business.  Today homosexuals belong to the most pampered, protected, favored, privileged demographic in all of America. . . . 

Homosexuality was once rightly known as “the love that dare not speak its name.” Those days are long gone. Now it is not a career-killer but a resume enhancer. Due to the decaying morals of the Republic, we have now made it possible for a man to boldly sin his way right into the White House.


Anonymous said...

Why does the LGBT community always target children? Why are they so ugly and disgusting as people?

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

There are a lot of LGBTQZYZ people who are not physically ugly. And I've known some (I worked with) who in general weren't that disgusting as people.

However, their sexual practices are against biology, medically dangerous, and an abomination to God. Children are targeted because they are easy to seduce. A huge percentage of sodomites are also pedophiles. Children are also target because many people who abuse God's gift of sexuality find pre-pubescent children to be sexually desirable.

It really isn't that difficult to figure out. Once one sexual perversion is sanctioned, then you've opened a Pandora's box of polygamy, polyandry, bestiality, pedophila, and any other sexual deviancy one can imagine.