Saturday, June 27, 2020

Medical Progress Came from the West

It is no coincidence that the Western world essentially developed modern medicine. In order to develop medicine, the first requirement is to understand human beings must learn how to conquer nature—conquer, not pray to natural forces (like rain gods) or try to propitiate them.

That is one reason diseases like smallpox and polio were eliminated in those parts of the world influenced by the Bible.

Human progress is not possible unless humans rule over nature. Many secular people in our time romanticize nature, perhaps not realizing—or not wanting to realize—that either humans rule over nature or nature will destroy humans. Either we conquer natural diseases, or they conquer us. Until the very modern age, people everywhere feared being eaten by animals. Most of us no longer give this a moment’s thought because most of the human race has come to successfully rule over the animal kingdom.

Dennis Prager, The Rational Bible: Genesis: God, Creation, and Destruction, pg.27

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