Saturday, April 2, 2022

"Transgender" Is A Sexual Menace

Transgender children are overwhelmingly raised by Godless leftists. Is there some weird genetic quirk on the Left that results in them having a preponderance of these children? Or is there some gap in their belief system and world view that leads a child into such despair that he feels the only solution is to negate the self? … 

The current sexual menace is nothing more than another search for salvation through physical transformation. It's no different than using drugs, or money, or food, or plastic surgery, or triathlons or video games or any other idol to fill that soul need. Like the other failures, this won't work. It will only lead to suffering. The worst part? It will be suffering without meaning.

To suffer, is to be human. The solution, though, cannot be found in this world.

Melissa Mackenzie [email] Newsletter 4/1/22

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