Friday, April 15, 2022

What Evolution Has Wrought

Many Christians (and even more classical conservative-minded unbelievers in the West) seem increasingly uncomfortable with the direction that culture is going. Many cite unfair court rulings, discriminatory practices, the promotion of communist ideology in classrooms, and unwarranted governmental restrictions as wrong and against common sense.

But common sense is only common when there is a commonality of thought between the people in a society. And many who enjoyed the fruit of Western society seem to have forgotten that the Judeo-Christian foundations of these countries have been smashed apart, leaving behind scattered pieces of differing ideological beliefs promoted by a variety of conflicting worldviews.

However, as the saying goes, nature abhors a vacuum. And within the fractured ideological landscape, there is one common, overriding concept being taught to everyone participating in public education and media: the story of evolution.

Calvin Smith, “Will the Real “Creation Account” Please Stand Up?

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