Monday, July 17, 2023

The LEFT Has Destroyed Our Military

 Feminists wanted women in combat; traditionalists said “Look, this is nothing against women, but having both men and women in combat together will jeopardize the mission.  Chivalrous men will be distracted from their duty in combat if women fighting alongside them are injured; regular guys will be distracted from their duty in peacetime if hormones kick in and romances occur. And then we have to consider the undeniable differences in physical ability -- as groups -- and how it affects the ability of the corps.”

Homosexual activists wanted to remove the traditional bans on same-sex relationships in the military.  “Look, this is nothing against gays and lesbians, but you have to admit that all the same challenges posed by temptations and risks, from romance to abuse, that plague the challenge of women in combat go double if you allow homosexual activity in the military.”

Over the years, America essentially lost both of those arguments.  What has it done to our forces?  The statistics show the results: pregnancies, venereal diseases, abuse, depression, drug addition, suicide. 

All because we lost track of the key focus. We allowed our military to get distracted from its mission, and to cater instead to the sociopolitical desires of the Washington establishment and its NGOs, the New York press, and the Hollywood-controlled pop culture.

Our military is worse off for it.  And that means the homeland, the defense budget, and our allies are worse off for it as well, because anything that degrades our military readiness hurts all these too.

John F. Di Leo, Defense Policy and the Social Issues: Who Started This Fight?

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