Friday, July 28, 2023

The War Against God

The War against God is so blatantly obvious that you would have to be a dedicated atheist not to recognize it. Pro-death, or anti-life, forces dominate the decrepit world of America 2.0. Medical “professionals” cutting off the breasts of little girls, leaving them with Frankenstein scars, and cutting off the penises of little boys, leaving them as freakish eunuchs, is pure, unadulterated evil. Mothers encouraging their precious child to change their “gender” at the tenderest of ages, is evil. Euthanasia, as currently seen in the Suicide Squad in Canada, is evil. The eugenicists who rule our society are evil. They all directly or indirectly serve the interests of Satan.

In the political world, permitting hordes of homeless human beings to live in tents, while not even clearing their excrement from the pavements of once great cities, is evil. The disparity of wealth we have in this country, where some lives are worth literally millions of times more than others, is evil. Our thoroughly corrupt government agencies and soulless corporations are evil. A legal system that knowingly frames the innocent, as ours has done for decades, is evil. District Attorneys who let violent criminals off easy, while throwing the book at their political enemies, are evil. Corrupt leaders involved in graft, fraud, and assassination, are evil.

Donald Jeffries, The War Against God

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