Thursday, July 11, 2024

Universal Health Care?

People who believe in “universal health care” show remarkably little interest—usually none—in finding out what that phrase turns out to mean in practice, in those countries where it already exists, such as Britain, Sweden or Canada

For one thing, “universal health care” in these countries means months of waiting for surgery that Americans get in a matter of weeks or even days. In these and other countries, it means having only a fraction as many MRIs and other high-tech medical devices available per person as in the United States.

In Sweden, it means not only having bureaucrats deciding what medicines the government will and will not pay for, but even preventing you from buying the more expensive medicine for yourself with your own money. That would violate the “equality” that is the magic mantra.

Thomas Sowell, Dismantling America, pg.57


Nora said...

I have so thoroughly enjoyed reading Thomas Sowell's books/articles, plus the treasure of watching old YouTube videos of him in discussion panels and blowing everyone of out the water, as the saying goes, with his God given gift of incredible intelligence, common sense and moral uprightness.

I pray to God he is a born-again Christian, as he would be someone fascinating to meet in the hereafter, my prayer today is for him and millions of others who have not come to saving faith in our Lord Jesus (Yeshua) the Christ, that through God's incredible grace the Good News of Salvation be brought to them by hearing from some source, a family member/friend, a believer, a radio (or online ministry) program (like J Vernon McGee's THRU THE BIBLE) or through a dream, just somehow, that they hear it, receive it and glorify in it.

Thank you for your boldness and determination to share God's Word to this illiterate world, starving for the Bread of Life and not realizing it. Blessings to you, your Mrs. and your family.

To God be ALL the glory,

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Hi Nora,

I don't think he's a Christian. I read one site which said he's an atheist but I'm not sure I can believe that. Here is an interesting video about the lack of personal information about Sowell: