Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Ethanol Is a Waste of Resources

Ethanol is hailed as an environmentally friendly fuel because it supposedly generates less carbon during combustion.  Ask any mechanic which fuel provides more engine power: ethanol or gasoline.  And let’s not forget the inconvenient truth: producing ethanol requires massive amounts of water, land, and energy.  Some experts argue that when you factor in the entire production process, ethanol may actually consume more natural resources than petroleum.  But who cares about the details when we’re saving the planet? … 

But wait, there’s more!  Ethanol is being touted as the answer to our energy prayers, overshadowing hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCEVs).  It’s a breakthrough, they say.  Yet despite all the hype, ethanol still faces the same old criticism.  It’s a resource hog.  It diverts crops from food production, sending food prices sky-high.  So what good is it to have an “efficient” car when you can't afford to drive it to the grocery store since you can’t afford a $10 loaf of bread?

Gerald McGlothlin, Did the world's largest car company just make the world's biggest blunder?

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