Friday, October 17, 2014

The Right Worldview

If our country gets the wrong answer to the worldview question, then it will get the wrong answer to moral questions, as well.  And that’s exactly why our culture is where it is today.   We’ve allowed the atheistic worldview to take over without challenging its validity.  Homosexuality, abortion, and euthanasia are symptoms of a wrong worldview.  The correct worldview recognizes that life isn’t all about me! me! me! — it recognizes that we have a duty to others, as well.  We’re not here to simply please ourselves — to take the easy way out of difficult and inconvenient situations — but to bravely serve God and others as the Moral Law instructs.  The Moral Law mandates that we protect life, not destroy it.  Until we accept this truth and act on it, our nation will teeter on the brink of self-destruction.

Dr. Norman Geisler & Frank Turek, "Legislating Morality," p.203

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