Friday, January 9, 2015

Dangerous Sex

Aside from any religious or theological considerations, homosexual acts are unnatural from a medical standpoint.  Physicians can attest to some horror stories of what physically happens, especially to men, from such activities.  The human anatomy is such that it is apparent what role and function each part of the body plays.  Men engaged in homosexual acts suffer various serious physical side effects and debilitating diseases and injuries.  If those acts were natural, it follows that such harmful effects and diseases would not take place.  The bodily canal designed to evacuate some of the body's worst filth and toxins is hardly inviting to normal people.  Penetrating an orifice fashioned to evacuate the waste and toxins of another person rises to the level of abnormality for nonreligious as well as for religious people.  Even nonsectarian scientists form similar opinions about certain acts, depending on the harm the body suffers.

Helen Louise Herndon, "If Gays March on Rome, Why Not Mecca Too?"  "Viewpoint," Christian Research Journal, Vol.23/No.3, 2001

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