Saturday, January 17, 2015

Disease Mongering

The business model of the pharmaceutical industry depends on extending the realm of illness -- using creative marketing to expand the pool of customers by convincing the probably well that they are at least mildly sick.  Disease mongering is the fine art of selling psychiatric ills as the most efficient way of peddling very profitable psychiatric pills.  Manipulating the market is particularly easy in the United States because we are the only country in the entire world that allows drug companies the freedom to advertise directly to consumers.

Disease mongering cannot occur in a vacuum -- it requires that the drug companies engage the active collaboration of the doctors who write the prescriptions, the patients who ask for them, the researchers who invent the new mental disorders, the consumer groups that advocate for more treatment, and the media and Internet that spread the word.  A persistent, pervasive, and well-financed "disease awareness" campaign can create disease where none existed before.  And psychiatry is especially vulnerable to manipulation of the normal/disease boundary because it lacks biological tests and relies heavily on subjective judgments that can be easily influenced by clever marketing.

Allen Frances, M.D, "Saving Normal," pp.28-29

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