Wednesday, January 14, 2015

There Is No Such Thing as a "Homosexual"

If we use the false definition [of "homosexual'], where does one draw the line?  Are you a homosexual because you have a homosexual thought for one moment in time?  If not for one moment, then how long?  A season?  A lifetime?  Is a man or woman a homosexual who engages in one act of homosexual behavior or a series of encounters or relationships?  Are those who engage in exclusive homosexual practice for a lifetime the only "true" homosexuals?  Often we have stumbled in our efforts to share the truth of freedom in Christ because we were wrestling with opponents over what makes a person a homosexual.  Since there is really no such thing as a "homosexual," then we are chasing a mirage, a cloud, something we will never be able to grasp.

Already in the first moments of our battle with proponents of "homosexuality equals identity," we give ground by using their terminology; and we lose more ground as we seek to put forward a solution based on the terminology of their lie.  The truth is there are no homosexuals. ...

The Devil, working behind the scenes, has succeeded in redefining the meaning of key words, and therefore we only reinforce and strengthen a false identity by calling individuals by a name that does not apply.  Homosexuality involves feelings, attractions, and sexual behavior; it can be a mindset, and it can include cultural associations.  From these factors, one can embrace it as a personal identity.  People investing their lives into this kind of identity can expend so much of themselves that to think of leaving that identity can be quite threatening and very difficult even to discuss. ...

Truth One:  There is no such creation as a "gay" or "homosexual" person.  There is only homosexual attraction and behavior; accordingly, there can be no "change" from a sexual identity that never existed in the first place.

Rev. John J. Smid, "You Can't Change a Homosexual," Christian Research Journal, Vol.24 /No.2, 2002, "Viewpoint."

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