Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Are Facts Truth?

Facts do not speak for themselves.  Truth does not reside in facts as such.  Only fact plus meaning can be the basis for truth.  And the meaning does not arise naturally out of facts.  Rather, meaning is something attributed to facts from the outside.  It is necessary to presuppose a world view or framework within which a fact can have meaning.  Otherwise, one is left with bare, meaningless facticity.  Facts and experience may be the basis for meaning, but the data alone cannot provide what meaning should be given to it.  Unless the "stuff" of experience is structured by a meaning-model, then it is not possible to speak of the meaningfulness or truth of that system of interpretation.  One must indeed presuppose a metaphysical model of the universe before it is even possible to make ultimate truth claims.

Norman L. Geisler, Christian Apologetics, p.127

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