Monday, June 1, 2015

What Are "Gay Rights"?

"Gay rights" implies that homosexual people are suffering a wrong which should be righted.  But what is this oppression, this wrong, this injustice?  If it is that they are being despised and rejected by sections of society on account of their sexual inclination, are in fact victims of homophobia, they indeed they have a grievance which must be addressed.  For God opposes such discrimination and requires us to love and respect all human beings without distinction.  If, on the other hand, the "wrong" or "injustice" complained of is society's refusal to recognize homosexual partnerships as a legitimate alternative to heterosexual marriages, then talk of "justice" in inappropriate, since human beings may not claim as a "right" what God has not given them.

John Stott, Same-Sex Partnerships?: A Christian Perspective, p.56,57

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