Saturday, June 13, 2015

It Isn't About Marriage

For homosexuals, this debate isn't even about marriage.  As data from countries with same-sex marriage show, approximately 96% of homosexuals don't get married when they are given the opportunity.  And those who do get married break up at a much higher rate than heterosexuals.

Since most homosexuals don't want to get married or stay married, then why are homosexual activists so adamant about government recognition of same-sex marriage?  Because same-sex marriage will win them what they really want -- validation and normalization.  In other words, the activists want same-sex marriage because they understand that government-backed same-sex marriage will validate and normalize homosexuality throughout society.

The key point here is "government-backed."  Homosexuals can already "marry" one another privately.  There is just no government provision for it.  Nothing is stopping homosexuals from pledging themselves to one another in private same-sex marriage ceremonies.  In fact, it is done all the time -- there is an entire cottage industry for gay weddings.

But that's not enough for homosexual activists.  What they want is government endorsement for their relationships.  They know that such endorsement will make homosexuality and their behavior appear just as normal as heterosexuality.  That's why the same-sex marriage movement has more to do with respect than rights.

Frank Turek, Correct, NOT Politically Correct, p. 10-11


Anonymous said...

Which reliable studies are these facts from? In UK strong take up of marriage, and separation about the same rate as heterosexual couples

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The research has been done over a period of many years in several countries. But, you may be right, in that heterosexual marriages have dropped to an all time low in countries which have approved same-sex fake marriages. That is because marriage is no longer considered sacred or special, so why marry when one can just cohabit.