Saturday, December 31, 2022

The War Against Standards

[To the LEFT] It’s a war against standards.

Standards in what constitutes the truth. Standards in acceptable levels of discourse. Standards in the meaning of citizenship. Most of all, it is a war against any standard of acceptable individual behavior.

To put it another way, we have been so bludgeoned with the obligation of endless tolerance and unquestioned compassion that we must no longer demand personal responsibility of our fellow citizens. To require some semblance of self-control of our neighbors today is to invite a torrent of ferocious public attacks and bullying from our sanctimonious betters.

To accept the leftist dogma that all behaviors are relative, even those that are harmful, stupid, or evil, requires not only an astonishing level of intellectual laziness, but also a kind of shameless moral cowardice. It is the modern version of what the late William Gairdner once described as “pandemic public ignorance,” where the people, to believe such misguided recklessness, become “dupes of appearances, wishful thinking, inadequate facts, and pseudo arguments.”

Jeffrey B. Stamm, "Restoring Law and Order in America," AMAC email news.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Public School "Transgender" Indoctrination

[T]he public schools are encouraging and even pushing kids to adhere to the gender ideology at increasingly younger ages. The motivations for this are many. Having a child who identifies as trans is allowing ever more government usurpation of parental rights. Having a child identify as trans also means he or she is fast-tracked into the medical hamster wheel that screws up the child’s life but thoroughly enriches the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. This indoctrination of children by teachers who are either LGBTQ+ or consider themselves “allies” tries to stigmatize normal heterosexual relationships as weird and cringy as opposed to being the ones that actually promise a continuation of the human race.

Emmy Griffin, “The Transgender Wars

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Sexual Liberation?

While I appreciate all voices pushing back against gender madness, understand that it’s not possible to stop just one part of the sexual revolution. An uncomfortable truth even many conservatives don’t want to admit is that the trans movement didn’t come from nowhere. It is simply the natural progression of the basis for the redefinition of marriage and family: the idea that feelings trump biological reality (& morality). This is also the premise of all "sexual liberation."

Allie Beth Stuckey, cited in “The Patriot Post, Friday Short Cuts," 10/7/22

Friday, December 23, 2022

Kwanzaa, The Sham Holiday

 It's likely that many Americans have heard of Kwanzaa, but it's also likely that the vast majority of them know next to nothing about it, including when it's celebrated. That's because, for all intents and purposes, Kwanzaa is a sham holiday created by a murderous black nationalist Marxist radical who intended it as an expressly race-based holiday for American blacks. And unlike Kamala Harris, who dubiously claimed to have grown up celebrating the holiday that was created two years after her birth, just 4% of Americans actually celebrate it. Furthermore, despite the official Kwanzaa website's assertion that the holiday is an "African American and Pan-African holiday ... celebrated by millions throughout the world[wide] African community," almost no one outside of the U.S. even recognizes it, let alone celebrates it. Kwanzaa founder Ronald McKinley Everett, who went by the name "Dr. Maulana Karenga," expressly stated regarding his creation: "People think it's African but it's not. I wanted to give black people a holiday of their own, so I came up with Kwanzaa. I said it was African because you know black people in this country wouldn't celebrate it if they knew it was American." Kwanzaa has no religious or spiritual roots, nor does it have any nationalistic historical basis. It was a holiday simply made up out of whole cloth for the promotion of a faux black identity movement. In truth, Kwanzaa has as much holiday legitimacy as does the Seinfeld sitcom's bogus holiday “Festivus."

Executive News Summary, The Patriot Post e-mail, 12/23/22

Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Star-Spangled Banner

I have a complaint as to how it [National Anthem] is sung at today’s sporting events. This song is history, yet it is massacred by self-aggrandizing yodelers who think they can improve on it.

Debby Hyson, Letter to the Editor, The American Legion Magazine, December 2022, pg.8

Friday, December 16, 2022

Moral and Ethical Restraints are Gone

The moral and ethical restraints which preserved our culture for centuries are being replaced with a far more changeable, “follow your feelings” variety. Something which was wrong yesterday is decreed perfectly acceptable today and demanded to be celebrated tomorrow. And what was right yesterday is declared a “sin” today by the same people who cannot stand the very idea of sin as Christians define it, a moral offense against a Holy God. Why, after all, should some God be allowed to decide what is right and wrong – for me? A contemporary “sin” is and will continue to be – in the eyes of the mob – what the loudest (and often the most violent) voices declare it to be, and virtue is decided the same way. But don’t get too comfortable because both can be changed on a whim. Feelings rule everything, and feelings are fickle. Bad is good, wrong is right, down is up, and the value of an individual human being is way down.

Don and Joy Veinot, Revisiting “A House Divided Against Itself,” Nov 10, 2022 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Our Culture's Moral Free Fall

Our culture is in a moral free fall, and many Christians have succumbed to “frog in the kettle” syndrome as our entertainment mediums have gone from a slow moral decline to a full-speed-ahead moral collapse.

Ron Helle, Grassroots Devotional

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Improving the Mind

I hope you will also find time to read and improve your mind. Read history, works of truth, not novels and romances. Get correct views of life, and learn to see the world in its true light. It will enable you to live pleasantly, to do good, and, when summoned away, to leave without regret.

General Robert E. Lee, letter to his daughter.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Reason for Misconstrued Issues

Many issues are misconstrued, not because they are too complex for most people to understand, but because a mundane explanation is far less emotionally satisfying than an explanation which produces villains to hate and heroes to exalt.

Thomas Sowell

Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Measure of Success

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.

Booker T. Washington.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Our "Dark Age" Culture

We live in a new dark age. Having elevated the individual as the measure of all things, modern men and women are guided solely by their own dark passions; they have nothing above themselves to respect or obey, no principles to live or die for. Personal advancement, personal feeling, and personal autonomy are the only shrines at which they worship. The reigning god of relativism and the rampant egoism it fosters, coarsen character, destroy any notion of community, weaken civility, promote intolerance, and threaten the disintegration of those whose very institutions necessary to the survival and success of ordered liberty.

Charles Colson, Against the Night, pp.107-108