Saturday, December 31, 2022

The War Against Standards

[To the LEFT] It’s a war against standards.

Standards in what constitutes the truth. Standards in acceptable levels of discourse. Standards in the meaning of citizenship. Most of all, it is a war against any standard of acceptable individual behavior.

To put it another way, we have been so bludgeoned with the obligation of endless tolerance and unquestioned compassion that we must no longer demand personal responsibility of our fellow citizens. To require some semblance of self-control of our neighbors today is to invite a torrent of ferocious public attacks and bullying from our sanctimonious betters.

To accept the leftist dogma that all behaviors are relative, even those that are harmful, stupid, or evil, requires not only an astonishing level of intellectual laziness, but also a kind of shameless moral cowardice. It is the modern version of what the late William Gairdner once described as “pandemic public ignorance,” where the people, to believe such misguided recklessness, become “dupes of appearances, wishful thinking, inadequate facts, and pseudo arguments.”

Jeffrey B. Stamm, "Restoring Law and Order in America," AMAC email news.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Public School "Transgender" Indoctrination

[T]he public schools are encouraging and even pushing kids to adhere to the gender ideology at increasingly younger ages. The motivations for this are many. Having a child who identifies as trans is allowing ever more government usurpation of parental rights. Having a child identify as trans also means he or she is fast-tracked into the medical hamster wheel that screws up the child’s life but thoroughly enriches the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. This indoctrination of children by teachers who are either LGBTQ+ or consider themselves “allies” tries to stigmatize normal heterosexual relationships as weird and cringy as opposed to being the ones that actually promise a continuation of the human race.

Emmy Griffin, “The Transgender Wars

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Sexual Liberation?

While I appreciate all voices pushing back against gender madness, understand that it’s not possible to stop just one part of the sexual revolution. An uncomfortable truth even many conservatives don’t want to admit is that the trans movement didn’t come from nowhere. It is simply the natural progression of the basis for the redefinition of marriage and family: the idea that feelings trump biological reality (& morality). This is also the premise of all "sexual liberation."

Allie Beth Stuckey, cited in “The Patriot Post, Friday Short Cuts," 10/7/22

Friday, December 23, 2022

Kwanzaa, The Sham Holiday

 It's likely that many Americans have heard of Kwanzaa, but it's also likely that the vast majority of them know next to nothing about it, including when it's celebrated. That's because, for all intents and purposes, Kwanzaa is a sham holiday created by a murderous black nationalist Marxist radical who intended it as an expressly race-based holiday for American blacks. And unlike Kamala Harris, who dubiously claimed to have grown up celebrating the holiday that was created two years after her birth, just 4% of Americans actually celebrate it. Furthermore, despite the official Kwanzaa website's assertion that the holiday is an "African American and Pan-African holiday ... celebrated by millions throughout the world[wide] African community," almost no one outside of the U.S. even recognizes it, let alone celebrates it. Kwanzaa founder Ronald McKinley Everett, who went by the name "Dr. Maulana Karenga," expressly stated regarding his creation: "People think it's African but it's not. I wanted to give black people a holiday of their own, so I came up with Kwanzaa. I said it was African because you know black people in this country wouldn't celebrate it if they knew it was American." Kwanzaa has no religious or spiritual roots, nor does it have any nationalistic historical basis. It was a holiday simply made up out of whole cloth for the promotion of a faux black identity movement. In truth, Kwanzaa has as much holiday legitimacy as does the Seinfeld sitcom's bogus holiday “Festivus."

Executive News Summary, The Patriot Post e-mail, 12/23/22

Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Star-Spangled Banner

I have a complaint as to how it [National Anthem] is sung at today’s sporting events. This song is history, yet it is massacred by self-aggrandizing yodelers who think they can improve on it.

Debby Hyson, Letter to the Editor, The American Legion Magazine, December 2022, pg.8

Friday, December 16, 2022

Moral and Ethical Restraints are Gone

The moral and ethical restraints which preserved our culture for centuries are being replaced with a far more changeable, “follow your feelings” variety. Something which was wrong yesterday is decreed perfectly acceptable today and demanded to be celebrated tomorrow. And what was right yesterday is declared a “sin” today by the same people who cannot stand the very idea of sin as Christians define it, a moral offense against a Holy God. Why, after all, should some God be allowed to decide what is right and wrong – for me? A contemporary “sin” is and will continue to be – in the eyes of the mob – what the loudest (and often the most violent) voices declare it to be, and virtue is decided the same way. But don’t get too comfortable because both can be changed on a whim. Feelings rule everything, and feelings are fickle. Bad is good, wrong is right, down is up, and the value of an individual human being is way down.

Don and Joy Veinot, Revisiting “A House Divided Against Itself,” Nov 10, 2022 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Our Culture's Moral Free Fall

Our culture is in a moral free fall, and many Christians have succumbed to “frog in the kettle” syndrome as our entertainment mediums have gone from a slow moral decline to a full-speed-ahead moral collapse.

Ron Helle, Grassroots Devotional

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Improving the Mind

I hope you will also find time to read and improve your mind. Read history, works of truth, not novels and romances. Get correct views of life, and learn to see the world in its true light. It will enable you to live pleasantly, to do good, and, when summoned away, to leave without regret.

General Robert E. Lee, letter to his daughter.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Reason for Misconstrued Issues

Many issues are misconstrued, not because they are too complex for most people to understand, but because a mundane explanation is far less emotionally satisfying than an explanation which produces villains to hate and heroes to exalt.

Thomas Sowell

Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Measure of Success

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.

Booker T. Washington.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Our "Dark Age" Culture

We live in a new dark age. Having elevated the individual as the measure of all things, modern men and women are guided solely by their own dark passions; they have nothing above themselves to respect or obey, no principles to live or die for. Personal advancement, personal feeling, and personal autonomy are the only shrines at which they worship. The reigning god of relativism and the rampant egoism it fosters, coarsen character, destroy any notion of community, weaken civility, promote intolerance, and threaten the disintegration of those whose very institutions necessary to the survival and success of ordered liberty.

Charles Colson, Against the Night, pp.107-108

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Watch Out for Ear-Ticklers

We should consider what is said—not with what eloquence it is said. Nor should we look at how it tickles the ears. Instead, we should look at the benefits that it confers on its hearers.

Arnobius (ca.305), 6:340. Cited in A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, edited by David W. Bercot, Pg 550

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A Son Who Deserts Father Inherits Nothing

A son … who deserts his father in order not to pay him obedience is considered deserving of being disinherited and of having his name removed forever from his family.

Lactantius (ca.304-313), 7:155. Cited in A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, edited by David W. Bercot, Pg 499

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Intelligent Design, Not Evolution

If you had been brought up in a well-built and nicely furnished house, but had never seen a workshop, would you have supposed that your house was not built by some man, just because you did not know how it was built?

Lactantius (ca.304-313), 7:55. Cited in A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, edited by David W. Bercot, Pg 266

Friday, November 25, 2022

The Beauty of the Earth

The world, being made spherical, is confined within the circles of heaven…. Without a doubt, the world is beautiful. It excels as well in its magnitude as in the oblique circle and those about the north, and also in its spherical form. Yet we must not worship the world, but other its Artificer.

Athenagoras (ca.175), 2.132,136. Cited in A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, edited by David W. Bercot, Pg.222

Note that in ca.175 they knew the earth was round, contrary to the historical revisionists who say people back then thought the earth was flat.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Modest Woman

She is not a modest woman who strives to stir up the fancy of another—even though her physical chastity is preserved. Away with those who do not really adorn their beauty, but prostitute it instead. For anxiety about beauty is to only the wisdom of an evil mind, but belongs to deformity…. Why is the color of hair changed? Why are the edges of the eyes darkened? Why is the face moulded by art into a different form?

Novatian (ca. 235), 5:591. Cited in A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, edited by David W. Bercot, Pg. 177

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Politics Killed the Culture

We don’t have movies, songs or novels anymore. We have propaganda, scolding, preaching, sneering, hectoring, and smirking by the elites who control the cultural machine. Politics is their life and they want it to be ours. They can’t conceive of anything important that’s apolitical. ...

Culture hasn’t consolidated politics, instead politics has consolidated culture. Entertainment is just another adjunct of the Democratic Party. The producers, directors and actors don’t just finance the party, they make party-approved entertainment for party members. Our culture has become an echo of that of any Communist country’s agitprop entertainment. But there are no official censors or production boards, the industry took a knee and did it to itself with shareholders, advertisers and investors being taken for a ride or joining the party.

Daniel Greenfield, Politics Killed the Culture

Monday, November 7, 2022

Socialism Destroys

Socialism turned good citizens into bad ones; it turned strong nations into weak ones; it promoted vice and discouraged virtue ... transformed formerly hardworking and self-reliant men and women into whining, weak and flabby loafers.

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Pandering to the Ethanol Lobby Hurts America

 Perhaps more importantly, RFS has not reduced carbon emissions—one of the primary objectives of the policy.

The “corn boom” RFS [Renewable Fuel Standard law] created has impacted over 5 million acres of land once set aside for conservation. Landowners have filled in wetlands and have sprayed billions of pounds of fertilizer to facilitate the demand for corn to fulfill gas ethanol requirements. As a result, rivers have been contaminated and the habitat of waterfowl and other wildlife has been damaged.

Perhaps more importantly, RFS has not reduced carbon emissions—one of the primary objectives of the policy. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin found that the corn boom has released as much carbon dioxide as 34 coal power plants in one year. It turns out ethanol is not carbon-neutral, as promised, and it actually worsens gas mileage, making cars less fuel-efficient and worse for the environment.

Aside from the environmental impact, less fuel-efficient vehicles means spending more on gasoline. Ethanol delivers 25 percent fewer miles per gallon than gasoline, and ethanol-induced higher gas prices increase the impact of the RFS. Last year, the Congressional Budget Office reported that if the RFS is not repealed, gas prices could increase 13 to 26 cents per gallon by 2017. While a small group of corn farmers may benefit from the RFS, everyone is impacted by higher gas prices and less fuel-efficient gasoline.

Erik Telford, “How Pandering To Iowa’s Ethanol Lobby Hurts America

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Ethanol: A Rip-off

Ethanol increases the demand for corn, which means corn prices go up. This causes prices for farmland to rise. It also raises the prices for animal feed, which makes food prices go up. Not just on meat -- prices have gone up on poultry and dairy products, as well as foodstuffs containing cornstarch, cornmeal, corn syrup and other corn products. Meanwhile, the U.S., which as recently as 2007 supplied two-thirds of the world's corn with its exports, now supplies only a little over one-third. And the amount of corn used to produce the ethanol to fill one SUV's gas tank could feed one person for one year.

Larry Elder, Ethanol: The GOP-Supported Rip-Off

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Gender Ideology is "Mental Illness"

A man who has had pharmacological or surgical alterations to mimic some aspects of womanhood is not a woman -- he is a pharmacologically altered or surgically mutilated man. …. Please note that these radical medical treatments and surgical procedures are performed on mentally ill children and adults.  These patients are mentally ill by definition -- if they were not ill, they would not be in need of medical treatment, and their illness is not physical (their sexual organs are healthy). Their illness is mental, and for that they are subjected to radical medical intervention (including hormones of the type administered to sex offenders) and mutilating surgery.

Michael Egnor, M.D., “Gender Ideology and the Paganization of Western Culture

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

With or Without a Christian Foundation

That the post-Christian age has been the bloodiest in history, that the French and Russian Revolutions, both fiercely anti-religious, produced bloody despotic regimes, while the pro-religion, God-based American Revolution produced the freest country in the world -- both these facts are unknown to most young Americans. So, too, young people don't know that religious Americans are happier, commit less suicide, give more charity and volunteer more time than irreligious Americans.

Dennis Prager, Why Are So Many Young Americans Irreligious? The Secular Brainwash Is the First Reason

Monday, October 24, 2022

Liberty vs Security

Liberty is of small value to the lower third of humanity. They greatly prefer security, which means protection by some class above them. They are always in favor of despots who promise to feed them. The only liberty an inferior man really cherishes is the liberty to quit work, stretch out in the sun, and scratch himself.

H. L. Mencken

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Secular Brainwash

Anyone who derives his moral values from the Bible is essentially forbidden from using those values to shape societal norms. You can cite Ibram X. Kendi or "White Fragility" or your heart as the source of your social values, but if you cite a biblical book, you are told that violates the alleged "separation of church and state."

Dennis Prager, Why Are So Many Young Americans Irreligious? The Secular Brainwash Is the First Reason

Saturday, October 15, 2022

When Does Life Begin?

Life begins at conception, for we contend that the soul also begins at conception. Life takes it commencement at the same place and time that the soul does.

Tertullian (ca.219), 3.207, Cited in A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, edited by David W. Bercot, Pg. 172

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Reality of Male and Female Humans

Since there seems to be a lot of confusion around definitions lately, let me spell it out in a way that avoids all confusion: human females have the biological plumbing that is associated with producing eggs, incubating babies, and nursing babies. Human males have the biological plumbing that is associated with producing and implanting sperm.  Some females are very masculine in outlook and affect; some males are very feminine in outlook and affect.  No matter what, though, they remain biologically identifiable as men or women, male or female.  And that's no joke.

Andrea Widburg, “The transgender crowd smacks down a funny little lesbian joke

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

More Than One Kind of Slavery

Talk about slavery! It is not the peculiar institution of the South. It exists wherever men are bought and sold, wherever a man allows himself to be made a mere thing or a tool, and surrenders his inalienable rights of reason and conscience. Indeed, this slavery is more complete than that which enslaves the body alone.

Henry David Thoreau (American essayist, poet, and naturalist)

Monday, October 10, 2022

American Culture: An Immoral Man-Centered System

Our nation's morality is changing into an immoral man-centered system devoid of the divine. Through political correctness and tolerance doctrine, Americans are bullied into accepting perversity as normal and healthy, violating norms and mores that historically maintained social decency from Moses' time. Political correctness is a strategy developed by Marxists to undermine biblical values and culture to transform the West into a Marxist paradigm. It is a hammer, an instrument of destruction. Economic Marxism proved inefficient in and of itself to alter the power and influence of Christian values.

Pastor Stephen E. Broden, “The Rise of Black Girly Men

Saturday, October 8, 2022

A Problem With Public Education

Education is about everything except basic skills and competencies. A college degree is a mark of cultural affiliation, a badge of political allegiance and a warning sign of basic illiteracy. The institutions of higher education are employment agencies for political activists, think tanks for leftist sand castle wonks, and community organizing centers for the next generation of rioters.

Daniel Greenfield, A Trillion Dollar Bailout For the Idiot Machine

Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Government Without Morality

The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount…If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State.

Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the U.S. [1945-1953]; May 8, 1878-1972)

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The LEFT’s Ideology Kills

When it comes to killing off people, fascists have a track record upon which they may strive to improve. Think about the Planned Parenthood organization that was established to eradicate “lesser races” from American society. Think about our education system that has been overtaken by demented, sick perverts who want to confuse our children about such things as gender and sex. They also want to shame our children into thinking that America is evil, racist and greedy. Yeah, that is why millions of people want to come here, legally or otherwise.

Sam Clovis, “Impact,” 9/15/22

Monday, September 26, 2022

Ethanol is Harmful to Our Environment

Since ethanol is primarily derived from corn in the Midwest (47 percent of the crop), the amount of fossil fuel needed to plant, harvest and transport the corn to places like ADM, the net carbon savings is less than 25 percent. This doesn’t even factor in the hazardous chemicals that affect the soil, air and water, considering that over half our rivers and streams are polluted so much that they are not fit for human consumption or use.

Factor in the reduced MPG that vehicles get with ethanol, the 10 gallons of water needed to process one gallon of the product and the fact that we make so much that we are exporting it, please help me understand how the economic benefits are sufficient to offset the harm.

We aren’t feeding the world with our corn; we’re feeding our SUVs.

If it wasn’t for the excessive amount of government subsidies for the growing of the GMO corn, you wouldn’t be writing an editorial supporting this product that is causing irreversible harm to our environment (“Work to keep Renewable Fuel Standards high,” Dec. 3).

Leo Salat, Letter to the Editor, Ceder Rapids, IA, Gazette, 1/3/16

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Psychologists Are Naked

When psychologists don the cloak of expert in areas where they have no more authority than the average man—that is, when they invade religion, ethics, and politics—they will often be found upon a closer look to be wearing very little, and sometimes nothing at all.

William Kirk Kilpatrick, The Emperor’s New Clothes: the naked truth about the new psychology, pg.16

Friday, September 23, 2022

Psychology’s Destruction of the Culture

Many ideas which had their start in the psychological community (or received a big boost from it) have now worked their way into the heart of society. I think it fair to say that many of them have wreaked havoc. The subjectivism and relativism of psychological thinking, the confusion about free will, the overemphasis on autonomy and self-acceptance, the denial of guilt, the neglect of and even hostility toward traditional and religious values, the lack of any meaning system to replace these, the transmutation of virtues into hang-ups and perversions into preferences, the undermining of all forms of authority except psychiatric and bureaucratic—all have helped to bring our society to a crisis of catastrophic proportion.

William Kirk Kilpatrick, The Emperor’s New Clothes: the naked truth about the new psychology, pg.15.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Results of College Indoctrination vs Education

[A]t the very time that waves of new baby-boomer students were swarming into institutions of higher learning, they were greeted with a torrent of money and a liberal—if not radical—faculty that challenged traditional norms of patriotism, religion, and family. Reinforcing the message of the student radicals, the faculty provided social and intellectual cover for the disruptions that soon occurred, justifying the mayhem as necessary for education and social reform. Under such circumstances, the surprise was not that violent campus revolutions ensued, but that they took so long, especially in light of the Vietnam War, which provided a focal point for anti-American hostility and revolutionary rhetoric.

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg.728

Monday, September 19, 2022

Lies About the Vietnam War

Virtually every aspect of the [Vietnam] war and military service associated with it was miscast and then etched into bad history. Two thirds of the troops who fought in Vietnam were volunteers, not draftees; blacks in Vietnam only comprised about 12 percent of the troops, equivalent to their percentage of the population as a whole; and college graduates were more likely to be killed or wounded than non-college grads (a reasonable conclusion, considering all the pilots and almost all officers were college graduates).

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg.723

Saturday, September 17, 2022

What Destroyed Many Baby-Boomers From the Beginning

In addition to growing up in abundance, the boom generation also was raised on the theories of the best-selling book of all time, Dr. Benjamin Spock’s Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (1946). Spock, thoroughly steeped in psychoanalysis and Freudianism, had been a Coolidge Republican in early adulthood, but along with his wife had moved steadily leftward, advocating positions that would have made Coolidge quiver. He advised parents to refrain from disciplining their children and to let children determine when and where everything took place, from bathroom habits to education. American homes overnight became child-centered, whereas spanking and other physical discipline was viewed as psychologically unhealthy. The dangerous combination of material comfort and loose control made for a generation that lacked toughness, one that literally fell apart under the pressures of civil rights, the Vietnam War, and economic stagnation. Not surprisingly, boomers turned to drugs and sex in record numbers, and divorce among the generation skyrocketed.

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg.682-683

Monday, September 12, 2022

The Start of Sexual Anarchy

The entire concept of Ruth Handler’s Barbie doll (introduced in 1959) revolutionized toys by allowing a “much needed play pattern that had never before been offered by the doll industry to little girls,” namely role-playing outside of motherhood. Despite significant opposition—not the least of which was to the fact that the doll had breasts—forty years later the Economist would write, “Of all the forces against which resistance is futile, Barbie ranks near the top.” Barbie only reflected the prominence of sexy female movie stars such as Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, and Brigitte Bardot. Alfred Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, which appeared in 1953, indicated that women were having sex before marriage in large numbers, perhaps—if Kinsey’s statistics were to be believed—up to half of the six thousand women he had interviewed. Certainly men thought about sex all the time, or at least that was the premise behind the launch of Hugh Hefner’s Playboy magazine in 1953, wherein photos of nude women were legitimized for viewing by middle-class men by packaging with interviews, fiction, and “serious reporting.”… As if to follow Hefner’s lead, in 1957 the Searle pharmaceutical company brought out the birth-control pill, which proved instrumental in delinking sexual intercourse from childbearing or, put another way, in separating consequences from actions.

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg.681-682

Thursday, September 8, 2022

What Should Still Be the Desire of Women!

What is amazing about all this [history of the late 1940s through the 1950s] is that the 1950s still had plenty of structure. Marriage and motherhood were considered the main destiny of young women—with teaching and nursing considered their only “acceptable” careers—and magazines such as Seventeen or Mademoiselle or popular books such as Mary McGee Williams’s On Becoming a Woman all operated under this assumption. “It’s Not Too Soon to Dream of Marriage” ran a typical chapter title in Williams’s book.

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg.681

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Sound Familiar In Today’s Political Culture?

The new Dutch broadcasting network [after the German invasion in 1940] then set to the task of providing a steady stream of information from the Allies to the occupied people of the Netherlands. The German had anticipated the establishment of such a communication tool by the Allies and issued the “Measure for the Protection of the Dutch Population Against Untrue Information.” With this act, the occupied people would be kept away from “false news” and given information they could trust from officially sanctioned pro-Nazi stations broadcasting from the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. Anyone caught listening to a unsanctioned station, particularly the BBC and Radio Oranje, would be severely punished.

Robert Matzen, Dutch Girl:  Audrey Hepburn and World War II, pg.50

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

LEFTISM Destroys the Minds of Children

 Leftism requires that children get indoctrinated before their internal truth detectors form. This is best done in early childhood, while the child is vulnerable to authority figures’ influence. This is the reason for pushing LGBTQ grooming in K-3rd grades. Programming young subconscious minds with ideas that identify formerly deviant practices as “normal,” means educators are complicit in corrupting both our kids and our society (and they’re opening the door for pedophiles, with the left pushing for the normalization). This is a key element in collapsing the family in the next generation, because these children, when they’re adults, will have no filters.

The family structure is foundational to society’s continuance because it transmits societal norms, beliefs, civility, and morality—i.e. our American culture—to the next generation through parental nurturing. Disrupting this parental guidance for only one generation makes the collapse probable.

Lewis Dovland, Family Matters

Monday, August 29, 2022

Credit Belongs to the Man In the Arena

It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

Theodore (“Teddy”) Roosevelt, “Citizenship in a Republic” speech, Paris, France, 23 April 1910

Saturday, August 27, 2022

America Was NOT Founded on Imperialism

It is...meaningless to employ terms like ecological imperialism to describe the interaction of the Europeans and the Indians. People of different races and ethnic backgrounds had come into contact with each other globally for centuries, from the Chinese in Southeast Asia to the Mongols in Europe to the Arabs in Africa. Seeds, germs, animals, viruses—all have interacted incessantly around the world for eons. (Even the European honeybee had settled as far west as St. Louis by the early 1700s.) To invoke such language is an attempt to reattach blame to Columbus and capitalism after anthropologists and historians have discovered than North American Indians had choices in how their world was shaped, and made no greater share of right—or wrong—choices than the new arrivals from Europe.

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg. 421

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The 2nd Amendment Is An Individual Right

The Second Amendment addressed Whig fears of a professional standing army by guaranteeing the right of citizens to arm themselves and join militias. Over the years, the militia preface has become thoroughly (and often, deliberately) misinterpreted to imply that the framers intended citizens to be armed only in the context of an army under the authority of the state. In fact, militias were the exact opposite of a state-controlled army: the state militias taken together were expected to serve as a counterweight to the federal army, and the further implication was that citizens were to be as well armed as the government itself. (Supreme Court decisions in the early twenty-first century reaffirmed the individual right to possess firearms.)

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg. 134.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

“Southern” America’s View of Slavery

Rather than viewing Africa as a source of unlimited labor, English colonists preferred European indentured servants well into the 1670s, even when they came from the ranks of criminals from English jails. But by the 1660s, the southern colonists had slowly altered their attitudes toward Africans. Increasingly, the southerners viewed them as permanent servants, and in 1664 some southern colonies declared slavery hereditary, as it had been in ancient Athens and still was throughout the Muslim world.

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg. 21

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Environmentalism and “Safety” Rules Violate Liberty and Virtue

The most recent [2013] serious threats to both liberty and public virtue (abuse of the latter damages both) have come in the form of modern environmental and consumer safety improvements. Attempts to sue gun makers, paint manufacturers, tobacco companies, and even Microsoft “for the public good” have made distressingly steady advances, encroaching on Americans’ freedoms to eat fast foods, smoke, or modify their automobiles, not to mention start businesses or invest in existing firms without fear of retribution. By the early twenty-first century, a New York mayor had attempted to ban soft drinks over a certain size; San Francisco had waged a war on plastic bags; and elementary schools across the nation had prohibited everything from soccer balls to doing cartwheels—all in the name of “public safety.” Many, particularly foreigners and especially America’s enemies, came to view this as weakness and “sissification.”

The Founders—each and every one of them—would have been horrified at such intrusions on liberty, regardless of the virtue of the cause, not because they were elite white men, but because such actions in the name of the public good were simply wrong. It all goes back to character: the best way to ensure virtuous institutions (whether government, business, schools, or churches) was to populate them with people of virtue.

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg. xviii.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Character Counts

Throughout much of the twentieth century, there was a subtle and, at times, obvious campaign to separate virtue from talent, to divide character from success. The latest in this line of attack is the emphasis on diversity—that some how merely having different skin shades or national origins makes America special. But it was not the color of the skin of people who came here that made them special, it was the content of their character. America remains a beacon of liberty, not merely because its institutions have generally remained strong, its citizens free, and its attitudes tolerant, but because it, among most of the developed world, still cries out as a nation, “Character counts.”

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg. xviii.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Why Academics Miss Real History

The reason so many academics miss the real history of America is that they assume that ideas don’t matter and that there is no such thing as virtue. They could not be more wrong.

Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States, pg.xvi.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Be Prepared

If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.

Thomas Sowell

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Demise of the United States Marines

Earth’s manliest fighting force surrendered the demands of life’s most brutal profession to the cartoonish frivolities of leftist politics.  This is military suicide.  You don’t need a study, or a poll, and some egg-headed expert to tell you that.  It’s common sense.  

Rank-and-file Marines are being asked – no, forced – to suspend common sense, ignore human nature, and justify a lifestyle (especially when it comes to transgenderism) that’s trying to create loopholes in divine law.  Most importantly for the military, Marines are being asked to pretend that being indoctrinated into the lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, queen agenda has no effect on them.

Will Alexander, “Pure Politics Is Feminizing the Marine Corps

Monday, July 25, 2022

Sexualizing Children

Rainbow Mafia thugs claim there is an anti-LGBTQ+ movement in the U.S. that they feel is especially important to stand against. One way they will make sure that their deviant lifestyle is promoted and spread is by “educating” children. But sexual perversion is not something children should be forced to accept. Dragooning them to think about, talk about, or explore sex and sexual peculiarities is grooming both in a political and predatory sense. Set aside the desire to be seen as morally “good” or “trendy” and you are left with parents destroying the innocence of their children. It’s making them more vulnerable and accepting of things that aren’t good for them. There is a reason some content is considered “adult” and obscene. Children do not have the faculties to properly assimilate what they are seeing and come out okay on the other side.

Emily Griffin, “The Rainbow Mafia Hates Kids

Friday, July 22, 2022

The Need for Wisdom

One must study wisdom to know how to do good, just as much as one must study physics to know how to do physics. If you are taught wisdom, there's a good chance you will become wise. If not, there's a good chance you will be a fool. And fools do a great deal of harm. 

But wisdom is no longer taught by most parents and nearly all schools.

Until the early decades of the 20th century, American students were expected to know the greatest sources of wisdom -- the ancient Greek and Roman writers, Shakespeare and, most important of all, the Bible.

But about 100 years ago, America embarked on the road to hell when it stopped teaching wisdom -- and what wisdom is all about, moral virtue -- when it secularized all education. First the universities and then the lower grades decided that knowledge could substitute for wisdom. Now American young people get no wisdom and, for that matter, little knowledge.

It is not a coincidence that the most foolish institutions in America and the rest of the West are the universities. They are the most radically secular.

You don't have to be religious to realize that the most secular institutions are also the most foolish institutions. You just need not to be a fool.

Dennis Prager, “If the Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions, With What Do We Pave the Road to Heaven?

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Good, Ethical Role Models Needed

What society really needs more of is good, trustworthy, ethical role models in leadership positions. Not needed are untrustworthy woke role models who are graduating from a failing, increasingly dogmatic, ideological, and misguided public educational system which now includes public colleges and universities. Education is failing miserably on many counts. Only time will tell whether individualized, interactive, audio-visual computer instruction will rescue education from its deterioration, especially in poor, crime-ridden neighborhoods.

Uldis Sprogis, “What should be taught in public schools

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Abortion Was NEVER Constitutional

The inescapable conclusion is that a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions. On the contrary, an unbroken tradition of prohibiting abortion on pain of criminal punishment persisted from the earliest days of the common law until 1973.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel J. Alito, writing for the majority in the Dobbs v. Jackson decision.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Principles Are Needed to Guide One's Life

Not having strict ethical principles to guide your life means for many a hedonistic lifestyle that can’t distinguish which behavior is good or bad, and what addictions to avoid as much as possible. The do your own thing or do what feels good philosophy often results in mental illness caused by addictions to lying, laziness, selfish behavior, promiscuity, pornography, alcohol, drugs, gambling, video games, social media, excessive shopping, and even crime. The net result is a disorganized dysfunctional brain and lifestyle filled with misery, stress, confusion, and yes, mental illness for many.

Uldis Sprogis, “What should be taught in public schools

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Purpose of Education

The purpose of education is twofold: To teach students useful skills needed in life, but just as important, to teach students how to live which is what good character is all about.

Public education is failing miserably on both counts. Too many graduate without basic reading and math skills and far too many graduate without knowing the value of punctuality, dependability, orderliness, truthfulness, competence, curiosity, sharing, compromise, hard work, and family values in general. Critical race theory, which teaches kids to resent their neighbors, and sexual education, which encourages promiscuity, is definitely not something that should be taught in elementary public school.

Uldis Sprogis, “What should be taught in public schools

Monday, July 4, 2022

Modesty and Celibacy Good

Modesty makes your body more alluring. Celibacy makes sex more intimate.  We choose to protect those things, not because they are shameful, but because they are precious.


H/T: John Shuck Made Me Do This