Friday, September 23, 2022

Psychology’s Destruction of the Culture

Many ideas which had their start in the psychological community (or received a big boost from it) have now worked their way into the heart of society. I think it fair to say that many of them have wreaked havoc. The subjectivism and relativism of psychological thinking, the confusion about free will, the overemphasis on autonomy and self-acceptance, the denial of guilt, the neglect of and even hostility toward traditional and religious values, the lack of any meaning system to replace these, the transmutation of virtues into hang-ups and perversions into preferences, the undermining of all forms of authority except psychiatric and bureaucratic—all have helped to bring our society to a crisis of catastrophic proportion.

William Kirk Kilpatrick, The Emperor’s New Clothes: the naked truth about the new psychology, pg.15.


Anonymous said...

I am a conservative democrat who normally votes republican, but I no longer consider myself a patriot. I agree with Trump that this country has become a joke in many ways. It’s just not something to be proud of anymore.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I don’t understand how one can be a “conservative” Demokrat since the Demokrat party is all about socialism.

While the Republican party often times caters to the Demokrat, their party platform is all pro-USA. I am still proud of my country for what it was, what it still mostly is in “red” states, and what it can be if we can ever get the Demokrats out of office. It’s this country’s politics that has become a joke, not the country itself.