Sunday, December 20, 2015

A Man With A Ring On His Finger

One of the nice things about being in a domestic relationship has nothing to do with the bedroom.  It has to do with the bathroom...and the kitchen and vacuum cleaners.  You have someone to share the chores of keeping a house clean.  Contrary to stereotypes, married men are more likely to help out with a variety of household chores than men who are just living with their girlfriend.  A man with a ring on his finger will spend up to eight more hours a week washing dishes and cleaning clothes, floors, and bathrooms than his shacking-up peer.  Ladies, do you hear that?

A man's educational status also increases his likelihood of helping around the house--but not as much as marriage does.  And to make all this better, the man with the ringed finger is less likely to object to doing these extra chores as his un-ringed peers.

Glenn T. Stanton, The Ring Makes All the Difference, pg.49-50

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