Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Socialism Equals Communism

There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism by vote.  It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.

Ayn Rand


Perri Nelson said...

I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Ayn Rand's objectivism is a sadly bankrupt atheistic philosophy. She was spotted on about the dangers of communism and socialism though.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Yep, she was out in left field very often, but her comments about socialism were really good.

Anonymous said...

I am not the brightest crayon in the box but i have questions. Don't you think that social security and housing programs keep people poor? Do you sense any communism in those ideas? Why all the property regulations--our houses have to look a certain way, etc.?

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Social Security doesn't keep people poor - it just steals their money; it's just another tax and if you were allowed to save it in a retirement account you'd have more at the end.
Housing programs assist in keeping people poor, and is indeed socialism/Communism because it is the government in charge.
Some property regulations are valid, but most are just more government control.