Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Worldview of Humanism

Humanists claims to be humanitarian, i.e., caring about people. Yet as a world view humanism is atheistic and secular. This world is all there is. There is no divine revelation. Mankind is the only source of morals. The humanist will stand one night outside a prison protesting capital punishment, yet the next morning he will stand outside an abortion clinic defending the right of a doctor to kill and unborn baby. He loves humanity, yet he will fight for legislation to protect 40 or 50 spotted owls—legislation that will cost 50,000 people their jobs.

David J. MacLeod, “The Consecrated Christian and Conformity to the World: An Exposition of Romans 12:1-2,” The Emmaus Journal, Vol. 4/No. 2, pg.113

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