Thursday, September 3, 2020


Victimhood mentality blames “white privilege” for the plight of American minorities. Privilege does indeed exist in America today, but it is not white privilege. It’s “two-parent” privilege.

Study after study has shown the long-term socioeconomic benefits children enjoy when they come from a stable two-parent household. Kids who grow up in a home without a father are four times as likely to end up poor as kids in two-parent homes. Kids who grow up in a two-parent household have a lower risk of teen pregnancy. They do better in school, and they commit less crime. And according to the Brookings Institution people who finish high school, hold down a full-time job, and wait until they are at least twenty-one to get married and have kids (in that order) avoid poverty at a 98 percent clip—regardless of race.

No Safe Spaces, edited by Dennis Prager and Mark Joseph, pg.43-44

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