Saturday, March 31, 2018

Give No More Money For Schools!

Giving money to the school system is like giving money a bum on the street: It might briefly feel rewarding, but deep down you know they’re not going to spend it wisely because they never have. In the case of the bum, your dollar is likely going to support some global distillery, while, in the case of our schools, your dollar is going to support some politician’s agenda.

Schools now enjoy four times more money per student than they did in the 1960s. Have they gotten four times better? No, they have not. Have graduation rates improved? No, they have not. Do you think throwing even more money at the problem will improve all that? No, it will not—though the teachers’ union will probably send you a Christmas card.  …

It’s not that the schools don’t have enough money, it’s that they’re forced by politicians, lobbyists, and special interests to spend it in ways that don’t further their primary goals.

Glenn Beck, Arguing With Idiots, pg.71, 72

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