Monday, March 26, 2018

Preserving a Culture

Laws still supporting a public morality of self-control have, as their primary justification, the goal of maintaining an environment where men and women can form enduring, monogamous bonds. For instance, prohibitions against prostitution, incest, polygamy, open displays of pornography, public nudity, and public fornication remain. Each of these remaining elements of a robust ethic promoting self-government deserves careful reflection.

Consider the bans on public nudity and fornication. Such acts take the mystery out of sex, emphasizing humans’ kinship to animals instead of our distinctive, personal relations with others; such prohibitions reflect a belief that there is something special about human sex rooted in our capacity for love and shame. Public display of such things would tend to liberate erotic passions even more from their moorings in enduring, loving relations and liberate eyes to wander even more. Our proscription against public nudity and fornication makes sense as an element promoting enduring, monogamous relations.

Scott Yenor, “Marriage and Family Life Cannot be Privatized

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